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It's been a while! St Pete long weekend

After being attached to the dock for faaaaaar too long, we HAD to get away on Happy Wife. Today was that day, and despite a load of things to do, we decided to just go, leaving Westshore at 11.50 and fresh fruits along the way. We hooked our ball at 12pm and settled in. I made a nice salad and we had a glass of wine with our lunch as Shaun finished up some computer work he had to finish off. We took the dingy and went to the office to sort out the bill for our stay and walked to Publix to get a few supplies. Stopped at Starbucks for a much needed coffee (it was so sure hot - 94 real feel 102!) after which we went to the Locale Market for Gluten free beer to make our grill bread with. Came back to Happy Wife to finish up some work and then had cocktails and snacks on the fly bridge until the sun was long gone (we like to call this the Lido Deck from all the Royal Caribbean cruises we’ve been on lol) Later we put some chicken on the grill and shared a bottle of wine given to us by a close friend It was such a nice quiet evening out on the water and chatted the night away. Shaun had to meet someone who is doing some work for us at one of our St Pete properties at 8 am so he hired a social bike and met him there. I stayed home and did a few necessary chores. When Shaun got back we worked on the windlass motor that had been rebuilt and we battled a bit to get it back in, mostly due to the heat! I made a gluten free bread on the grill and set up a lovely shrimp and vegetable skewer lunch to have with our fresh bread. With it being so hot, we decided to take the dingy to go to the beach. Shaun napped while a sat on the waterside for a while. We came back to relax on the Lido deck. A storm came up suddenly so we decided to stay in and have an indoor picnic with a bottle of wine. Woke pretty early, before 7. Took some workout pics for my blog before going for a 4 mile walk along the waterfront and came back to the boat to shower and make a smoothie. We washed the hull of the boat then went to lunch at Stillwaters on Beach drive. Walked over to Publix for a few things on the way back. We took a nap after a coffee then had cocktails on the Lido deck. For dinner we made handmade tortillas (took pics for the blog) We woke pretty early and went for our 4 mile walk again. We had to run back in order to dodge a storm that was coming and we had left the boat open. We JUST made it back in time. We both caught up on some computer work and did a few odd jobs around the boat because it rained for the rest of the day. We made chicken and chips in the air fryer and had an early night Woke at 6.45 and got the boat ready to leave. Starboard battery was dead but we jumped the motor from the port side. Something were going to have to check on when we get back Took the very bumpy, windy ride home arriving at about 9 am where Justine was on the docks to help us in. We laways love being out together, no matter where! We truly lived a blessed life :o)

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