Headed For The East Coast

After a flurry of activity to get Happy Wife ready we were ready to sail the seas. It had been a long ten months of being tied to the dock for various reasons.
We had been overseas to begin with, followed by our port engine having to be rebuilt due to water intrusion from hurricane Ian later in the year.
That took 3 months to complete as we also had to cut a wall open to gain full access to the motor.
Work and family commitments and a special trip to Vegas, kept us shore bound but we left as soon as we could, keeping hurricane season in mind, so today was the day!
Before leaving though, we went to see my folks who prayed over us for safe travels. It means so very much to me to have this privilege of that and the covering of my fathers prayers.
Our girls came to see us off and let the ropes go with the little ones which was very special. It’s because of them that we can live the life we have to enjoy. They hold the work fort down for us with boots on the ground while we do our part from the ocean. Thank goodness for technology! We will call with the little ones daily and use zoom etc too
The weather was not perfect, but we left at around 2.30 and made the short 3 hour trip Gulfport for the night where our good friends, Philaine, Johnny and Michaela came on board for evening cocktails and snacks
In the morning we left early to run the outside down to Cayo Costa. It was very foggy once we got out making visibility a challenge. We anchored 9 hours later after a calm and easy trip down.
We spent a wonderful week here…going to the beach twice a day, sundowners, dinner date and visiting Boca Grande too. This time we hired a golf cart and went from one point to the other. We had a lovely lunch there too.

We pulled up anchor at 7am on Friday 21st, headed to Marco Island for 2 days before making our way to the the Ten Thousand Islands